Hi, my name is
David Adeyemi
I build things for the web.
Software Engineer
I’m a software engineer specialized in building (and also designing) exceptional digital experiences. Solving problems with up to date technologies and turning ideas into exceptional applications that are accessible is one of my favourite thing to do.
Contact MeAbout Me
Dave the software EngineerHello! My name is David and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in software engineering started back in 2019 when I decided to try creating a landing page for an ecommerce shoe platform — this taught me alot about HTML & CSS and JavaScript, from there i proceeded into advancing my knowledge as a software engineer in everyway possible, presently rounding up my masters as a data scientist.
Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:
Node js
My Experience
Where I’ve WorkedMind2mentor
Datage Technologies
Junior Software Engineer @ Mind2Mentor
2021, Jan 11 - 2021, April 27
Collaborated with team members to create applications' system analysis based on client requirements.
Worked on creating a WhatsApp chatbot using botkit and WATI as the CRM provider.
Built the API business logic and designed flexible database models.
Worked on module which used google OAuth, and google Geolocation API.
Operated in virtualised environment using Docker.
What i offerWeb Applications
Web development has been my major interest, makes me feel like i am bringing an idea to life, which i am. Can build ranging from static websites down to dynamic web apps.
Web Designs
Designing of websites and web apps is something i love to do, making pixel perfect designs, responsive designs and also making sure my designs are browser compatible.
Data Science
As a data scientist i aim to build algorithms and design experiments to merge, manage, interrogate and extract data to supply tailored reports to colleagues, customers or the wider organisation
Most recent web design workOther Noteworthy Projects
Most recent web design workQuea
A web application to know, ask and learn from the community. Ask and get answers on Quea.
Halftimers Blog
The Halftimers blog gives the latest sport updates and new from the sport world, a way to keep in touch with you favourite football updates.